Mold and Indoor Air Quality Testing in Schools, Municipal and County Offices in NJ
The New Jersey Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health Act (PEOSHA) has promulgated specific standards for Maintaining Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in NJ public sector buildings including schools, municipal and county government offices, police & fire departments and public works facilities. Managing buildings that have numerous air handling units, unit ventilators often presents challenges for PEOSHA compliance, health, productivity and comfort of students and staff. ESMCorp’s Certified Industrial Hygienists provide PEOSHA Indoor Air Quality Monitoring in NJ public sector buildings to address:
- Sick Building Syndrome Monitoring in NJ
- Measurement and verification of outdoor air introduction rates
- Air quality monitoring for carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde or other hazardous chemicals in my buildings
- Sick Building Syndrome or Building Related Illness Investigations
- Air and surface sampling for mold, bacteria, dusts, formaldehyde, Volatile organic Compounds
- Mold testing, mold remediation protocol and mold clean-up verification testing
- Coordination with Facilities Staff and Contractors on HVAC adjustments to optimize air quality given our installed equipment
Having assisted hundreds of schools, offices, police, municipal and county office buildings manage Indoor Air Quality Problems over the past 30 years has given the Certified Hygiene Experts at ESMCorp deep understanding of the capacities and limits of air handling systems for managing health and comfort of occupants. We work diligently to remain current with all PEOSHA, OSHA Compliance, CDC and ASHRAE guidelines for ventilation in State, County, Municipal buildings throughout NJ.
Call Dr. Lynch today at (856) 764-3557 to discuss your PEOSHA Indoor Air Quality Monitoring in NJ needs or for Routine Indoor Air Quality Testing for Fresh Air, VOC’s, Formaldehyde and Combustion Products, Complaint-Based Sick Building Syndrome Monitoring, Mold Testing and Remediation Verification Testing, and Airborne Chemical Exposure Sampling in Offices and Schools.
- See Dr. Lynch’s article on Corona Virus Prevention in Schools at this link.
OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY ALERT – As indoor air quality is impacted by outdoor air quality in most offices and schools, and recent wildfires in Canada have caused smoke and high levels of airborne particles (PM2.5 and PM10) in outdoor air throughout the NJ/Mid-Atlantic Region. ESMCORP Air Quality Experts are assisting our school district, county and municipal customers with needed HVAC and other adjustments to maintain safe Indoor Air and Continuity of Business. For the most current Air Quality Index for your zip code please click here.
Please fill out our contact form, or call Dr. Lynch directly at (856) 764-3557, or email to schedule your assessment today.