History of Mercury in Rubberized Gym Floors
From the 1960’s to the early 2000’s many gym floor manufacturers included mercury in rubberized gym floor products as a catalyst to help keep materials flexible over time. It is estimated that many thousands of educational institutions ranging from K-12 Schools as well as Community Colleges and Universities across the country installed these mercury-containing floors.
Few Certified Hygiene Experts in NJ match the professional experience, formal training, and expertise to deal with addressing this complex issue which has significant exposure, health, risk assessment, and risk communication challenges. Dr. Lynch has been New Jersey’s thought leader in developing methods and action plans to address these concerns in NJ schools. In 2017 The New Jersey School Board Association published an article Authored by Dr. Lynch illustrating methods which we pioneered for managing mercury in gym floors. Through our research on dozens of mercury containing rubberized floors in K12 and college gyms, Dr. Lynch was lead author of a recently published (2021) a peer-reviewed scientific journal article on the Mercury in Gym Floors in the Journal of Health Behavior and Policy Review at this link
Please Contact Dr. Richard M. Lynch, Ph.D., CIH and Mr. Richard A. Lynch, MBA, CIH, CIEC; for a risk assessment and detailed action plan for your specific school to include:
- Gym Floor Bulk Sampling
- Mercury Risk Assessment,
- Mercury Air Monitoring/Sampling
- HVAC Ventilation Assessments, Dilution Rates, and Temperature Control for Management of Mercury in Gym Floors in New Jersey
- District Technical Support regarding In-Place Management Mercury Gym Floor or Removal
We can be reached by phone at (856) 764-3557 or via email at rlynch@esmcorp.com.
Who you Call First Matters!
Make the Right Call! Call the Leader! Please fill out our contact form, call Dr. Lynch directly at (856) 764-3557, or email at rlynch@esmcorp.com.